Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nothing like a 4 year old to tell it like it is

I got my ass kicked by J's 4 year old son on Friday night.

On the wii.

Playing bowling.

I was finally out of last place just starting to get into a groove when he looked and me and said "you're a LOSER!" while making the 'L' on his forehead.


Since he clearly won that round of verbal sparring, I did the next best thing.

I tickled him until he cried 'uncle'.

Because that's they way I roll.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Any excuse for a party

I have these friends.

They like to have impromptu parties. For no reason.

I love them.

Last night we all ended up at J's house for one reason or another and 30 minutes later we were starting to get a little crazy. We are not a quiet bunch to start with and when the Grey Goose started flowing we got loud. Nothing like a group of slightly intoxicated friends all trying to yell over each other so they can be heard.

Because waiting until the other person is done talking is just not an option.

After a few hours of chatting and laughing so hard we were wetting our pants, we broke the party up so we could all go home and take care of our families. Or sit up and watch American Idol on the DVR.  Not that I would neglect my husband that way or anything. Before we left, we did manage to get our next girls night planned for January 23.

Because the date will be 1-2-3.

And we will use any excuse to throw a party.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back Old Friend

Due to several different circumstances, alcohol and I have been on the outs for well over a year.

That is a long ass time, people.

I am happy to report that our long-lost relationship is on the mend again. We kicked it off with a week-long reunion that was ridiculous. Insane. Fantastic. Amazing. Really, really amazing.

I think you get the picture.

We bonded even more over the holidays...

...At a couple of Christmas parties which resulted in some very interesting new friendships.

...In front of the fireplace while wrapping all of the presents in one night.

...While spending time around family, who, might I add, are much more tolerable when you add a healthy splash of vodka to your orange juice.

Or it might have been a splash of orange juice to my vodka.


Either way, it was a lot more fun than I was anticipating.

I digress...

We are finally kindred spirits again. And it feels so good. I have even started spreading the love. I realized this when I sent my husband to the grocery store that is across the street and he called 30 minutes later and asked what I needed from the package store (that is NOT across the street). I jumped up and down and did a happy dance calmly told him what I needed like the mature adult that I am. After we hung up, it dawned on me that this was the first time he made a trip without me having to send him.

I am so proud.

So today, I would like to say to Crown, Patron, Bombay, Absolut, and the many, many others...

Welcome back friends, welcome back.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, New Me

I am here to say good ridance to 2009! While it did bring wonderful things (the birth of my first child), it also brought unemployment, depression, sorrow, death, and a whole host of unpleasantness that I am glad to shed.

It left me in one hell of a funk.

And I'm over it.

This is the year that I will start to really live my life. To say yes instead of no. To do things just because they sounds like fun. To become the person that I have always wanted to be instead of just wishing that I was someone else.

To help kick off my 'New Year, New Me' campaign, I have joined the mominatrix and her 31 day Sexual Resolution Challenge.

Because it sounds like fun. And who wouldn't love to feel a little sexier?