Due to several different circumstances, alcohol and I have been on the outs for well over a year.
That is a long ass time, people.
I am happy to report that our long-lost relationship is on the mend again. We kicked it off with a week-long reunion that was ridiculous. Insane. Fantastic. Amazing. Really, really amazing.
I think you get the picture.
We bonded even more over the holidays...
...At a couple of Christmas parties which resulted in some
very interesting new friendships.
...In front of the fireplace while wrapping
all of the presents in one night.
...While spending time around family, who, might I add, are much more tolerable when you add a healthy splash of vodka to your orange juice.
Or it might have been a splash of orange juice to my vodka.
Either way, it was a lot more fun than I was anticipating.
I digress...
We are finally kindred spirits again. And it feels so good. I have even started spreading the love. I realized this when I sent my husband to the grocery store that is across the street and he called 30 minutes later and asked what I needed from the package store (that is NOT across the street). I
jumped up and down and did a happy dance calmly told him what I needed like the mature adult that I am. After we hung up, it dawned on me that this was the first time he made a trip without me having to send him.
I am so proud.
So today, I would like to say to Crown, Patron, Bombay, Absolut, and the many, many others...
Welcome back friends, welcome back.