Thursday, January 14, 2010

Any excuse for a party

I have these friends.

They like to have impromptu parties. For no reason.

I love them.

Last night we all ended up at J's house for one reason or another and 30 minutes later we were starting to get a little crazy. We are not a quiet bunch to start with and when the Grey Goose started flowing we got loud. Nothing like a group of slightly intoxicated friends all trying to yell over each other so they can be heard.

Because waiting until the other person is done talking is just not an option.

After a few hours of chatting and laughing so hard we were wetting our pants, we broke the party up so we could all go home and take care of our families. Or sit up and watch American Idol on the DVR.  Not that I would neglect my husband that way or anything. Before we left, we did manage to get our next girls night planned for January 23.

Because the date will be 1-2-3.

And we will use any excuse to throw a party.

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